Thursday, February 23, 2012

Uninvited Guests

Most nights, I've slept in relative comfort as I am in the only room of the house with an air conditioning unit.  The girls have a fan and open the windows for the slightest breezes.  EJ and Koekoes have been the most hospitable hosts--they moved into their camper to make room for us in their home and no amount of arguing would change their minds.
For the last few nights, I've decided to sleep "al fresco"--open all the windows and crawl under the mosquito net instead of turning on the "air con."  Last night, the open windows with no screen were just too tempting for a few of the creatures that fly and creep and hop.

  • The tiny sand flies were small enough to squeeze between the netting and joined me on my light and my book and my pillow.  I swatted at them all night.
  • The mosquitoes sang a whiny tune as they circled the netting, trying, but not succeeding to join us inside.
  • A grasshopper jumped over the nightstand and I found him in the closet this morning.
  • The flat spider (or one of his relatives) who lives in my room was climbing the walls near the ceiling looking for a late night snack of bugs.  (The flat spiders are the good ones, the puffy ones are not, I'm told.  Hope I'll be able to tell the difference!)

So far, so good.  No problems with any of these creatures.  After all--Africa's not for sissies!
But just as I was going to turn out the light, a large shiny cockroach hopped down from the window sill and landed on the bed (outside the mosquito net!)  He was enormous!  3-4 inches long with antennae reaching for the sky!  And he was not welcome!  I wanted him out of my bed--immediately.  But first I wanted a picture because I knew you wouldn't believe me.  But as I reached for the camera he hopped to the other side of the bed.  And when I followed him there, he hopped to the nightstand.  Realizing I wasn't going to get the picture, I whacked at him with my book--and missed.  He went under the bed.  Where I couldn't reach him . . .where he stayed all night!  Last night was the first night I didn't sleep so well.  And no picture to prove it!


  1. Bringing back any memories from growing up??

    1. The heat--yes, it is as hot as I remember. The mosquito net--always slept under one as a kid. The cockroach--I remember seeing lots of them growing up, but never in my bed!!
      Many other reminders of "home" here.
      And so much that has changed. And much that is simply different in Botswana than it is in Nigeria. God led us to a very wise decision to be in this place.
      Thanks for your note and for your prayers!

  2. Hi you three,

    Sounds like when I was in Indonesia in the dutch army under De Klamboe ( Dutch word for Mosquito net ). America is still more comfortable ! !

    Stay healthy and we keep praying for you.

    Jana and Jack

  3. Yes, those bugs are trying to keep you company.

    Reminds me of Indonesia, when I was there in the Dutch army, under De Klamboe ( Dutch word for Mosquito net ) Stay healthy and we'll keep in touch.

    Jana and Jack

  4. I do not know if the comments we make are going trough.
    But we keep up with you three. Keep the bugs away from you.
    Jack and Jana

    1. Ya. I'm getting your comments. But I'm not online everyday so I can't always post them right away. Thanks for keeping up with the blog and for praying for us!

  5. I hear those big roaches are a good meal ;-) Glad you're doing well. Hope you'll get more sleep. They're probably attracted to your reading lamp.

  6. Yup..the light is a problem. A few nights ago, I mistakenly left the bed-side lamp on, windows open and went into the living room to chat. By the time I went back into the bedroom, it was an insect zoo in there! I turned the light out, went back into the living room for a half hour and returned to find just a few stubborn bugs including a bird-sized moth who resisted the "encouragement" from my broom to leave the room. We spent the night together. Me inside the "mossie net" and him nursing his bruises somewhere in a corner of the closet.
